PSNZ code of conduct
The PSNZ Code of Conduct outlines the standard of pet care that we expect from our members, and sets the standard for the New Zealand pet sitting industry.
We ask all PSNZ members to read, understand, agree, and sign the PSNZ Pet Care Commitment Code of Conduct.
Pet Care Commitment Code
The Pet Sitting NZ Code of Conduct establishes the standards for ethical and professional
conduct in pet care services. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, Pet Sitting NZ members uphold our commitment to exemplary pet care, ethical conduct, and professional standards.
Mission Statement
To improve the welfare of kiwi pets and their owners through professional pet care.
Our Values
- Community: Embracing unity and shared purpose.
- Commitment: Dedication to professionalism and performance.
- Compassion: Empathy and respect towards all.
About the Pet Sitting NZ Code of Conduct
The Pet Sitting NZ Code of Conduct sets forth the minimum expectations for all registered members at all times, irrespective of their individual role, responsibilities, or location. It serves as a guide for ethical, safe, and responsible pet care practices.
Ethical and Professional Requirements
- Prohibition on the Use of Force, Fear, or Intimidation:
Members must never use force, threats, or any form of violence towards any person or animal.
- Competence and Expertise:
Members must comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory welfare requirements.
Medical, nutritional, or health advice is only given if qualified to do so and within professional boundaries.
- Non-Discrimination:
Pet Sitting NZ serves all pet owners without discrimination based on race, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, political belief, nation of origin, or sexual orientation.
- Socially Responsible Pet Ownership:
Members promote responsible pet ownership, respecting public and communal property and ensuring pets do not cause damage or nuisance.
- Health and Wellbeing:
Members prioritise their personal health and safety when caring for pets, report observed injuries or medical issues promptly, and respect owner instructions regarding pet health decisions.
- Property:
Members respect and safeguard all property entrusted to them, including Pet Sitting NZ equipment and owners' belongings.
- Privacy and Confidentiality:
Confidential information is protected and shared only with consent, adhering to privacy laws and respecting client confidentiality.
- Ownership:
Members respect owners' rights and decisions regarding their pets' care and management, ensuring transparency and informed consent.
Provide honest information about services and care provided.
- Personal Presentation and Conduct:
Members present a professional image, maintaining neatness and adhering to dress codes as Required.
- Health and Wellbeing:
Members are responsible for their own health and safety and that of pets under their care.
They must report any observed injuries or health issues promptly and encourage owners to seek professional veterinary advice.
- Social Media:
Members maintain professionalism on social media, refraining from posting confidential information or opinions that could harm Pet Sitting NZ's reputation.
Prohibited Techniques & Training Tools:
The use of any device or technique that employs force, fear, or intimidation is strictly prohibited,
- Electronic stimulation collars
- Prong collars
- Alpha rolls or forced submission techniques
- Other forms of aversive training methods
Legal Frameworks:
Animal Welfare Act 1999: Sets standards for animal care and protection, emphasising animals' welfare and preventing mistreatment.
Dog Control Act 1996: Outlines obligations for dog owners regarding registration, control, care, and public behaviour.
Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, ensuring accountability and maintaining trust within our community. If you believe a PSNZ member has acted outside this Code of Conduct, please contact us on 022 6207 825 or
Non discrimination statement:
The statement below is all inclusive and extends to the Pet Sitting NZ association and its operations. PSNZ does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age or gender in any of its activities or operations. *you must be legally of the age to work in NZ to engage in our Pet Sitter Subscription membership.